I've just finished reading "Raising Cain:protecting the emotional life of boys" by Dan Kindlon & Michael Thompson.
What a wonderful book! A must read for all parents who are raising and educating boys!
Being a mother of two boys (4 years old and 16 months old), this book was a beautiful reminder of the path we're raising our sons: respect their feelings, talk about emotions, embrace them with love and hugs!
But what this book does also, is prepare you for the coming years, the adolescent years and some of the issues that might come with that: alcohol and drug abuse, sex and love life.
Throughout the reading of the book, there are numerous real life example and as you approach its end, there are the conclusions and some of the step you should follow towards raising en empathic, strong adult man:
"1. Give boys permission to have an internal life, approval for the full range of human emotions, and help in developing an emotional vocabulary so that they may better understand themselves and communicate more effectively with others.
2. Recognize and accept the high activity level of boys and give them safe boy places to express it.
3. Talk to boys in their language-in a way that honors their pride and their masculinity. Be direct with them; use them as consultants and problem solvers.
4. Teach boys that emotional courage is courage and that courage and empathy are the sources of real strength in life.
5. Use discipline to build character and conscience, not enemies.
6. Model a manhood of emotional attachment.
7.Teach boys that there are many ways to be a man. "
Please read this book if you are a parent or an educator of boys. It's an amazing reading and provide you with so much information to raise an emotional, respectful boy and later man.
Filip la 4 ani
11 years ago
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