Wow! Already 15 months!!!
Sooo, at 15 months, Bryce:
- weighs : 22,75 lbs (aprox. 10.31 kg)
- height : 32,5 inches (aprox. 82.6 cm)
We discussed the way we would continue with the immunization.
So for the 15 months check-up we redid:
- the DTaP (especially because there's a whooping cough outbreak happening in LA at the moment)
- the HIB ;
Oh, and you were such a trooper. You didn't cry a bit for any of the shots (both done in each arm). You're so courageous and good.
After more than 24 hours he didn't have any side effects nor temperature.
For the 18 months check-up we will do:
-the Pc;
-the Polio;
As for the MMR and the chicken pox vaccines, we decided to postpone them at least until he will be 2 1/2 yo.
The rest, just normal stuff, lots of interaction with Nicole, the pediatrician. I think he has a secret crush on her. :))
Filip la 4 ani
11 years ago
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