Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bryce will have a passport

Now that his papa landed a job in far away Bulgaria, meaning on the old continent, Europe, Bryce needed to get a passport so we can all travel and visit him.
The process is very simple and painless.:)

Steps to follow:

1. Go on the Travel.State.Gov website where you will find out what papers you need to file;

2. Take the baby and bring him to an authorized place that takes passport photos;

3. Put all the paper and the pictures in an envelope, just to be organized;:)

4. Take your baby and /or your partner and go to any local postal office where you will file all the demanded documents and pay the fees for the issue of the book itself; ( in our case, this action took us like 15 minutes and we paid $86)

5. (optional) you can check-up on line the status of your application;

That's about it. We will wait for the passport to show up in our mailbox in about 3-4 weeks. And after that: travel,travel, travel.:)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you both. A baby with a passport and ready to go see his papa!


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