How many strollers one baby can have?? Plenty?? Especially if you like to collect them. :) And especially in this country where they are so affordable and so many to chose from. We decided that Bryce should have two:
- one jogging stroller ( for the walks in the neighborhood, the hikes in the canyon, one that is more sturdy, with big wheels); so, we chose "The Baby Trend" brand ; a stroller that is somewhere in between on the jogging stroller market, not that best one but not the worst one either; it fits our need for speed but in the same time we're not crazy joggers either, we are the moderate kinda of. :))
- the second one is a city stroller, very light, small, easy to fold convenient from all points of view; for this kind of stroller we chose the "MacLaren" brand, the best out there, in my opinion; it's just amazing; it is a little bit expensive, depending on the model, the price can start somewhere from $190 and up; ours is a Quest sport and Bryce just loves it as well as the first one;
He just likes facing the world and being able to enjoy new faces, colors , shapes.
Plenty of things to discover now that we got 2 new strollers!!!
I like so many strollers, I would buy at least 3, but I don't have the space to store them. I don't have expensive preferences, it's more about colours and design.