From the very first months, mobility wise, he was kind of precocious baby, by 5 months he was basically crawling so his development took us by surprise.:)
As the mobility develops, Bryce also displays some very strong character features: perseverance, willfulness, stubbornness.:)
Now, applying these character features to the subject of walking, these are the results:
-he never liked the walker (he felt kinda of constraint in it);
-on the other hand, he's kinda of enjoying the pre-walker
-when it comes to us helping him walking, there are 2 situations:
a) he loves it (especially when me and my hubby are by his sides)-he always enjoys when both of us are playing and entertaining him;
b) he hates it (there are moments when he seems to say " I will figure this walking all by myself so, please, leave me alone.":)
- he stands with no support for about 10-15 sec;
So far, we really applied a very indulging and laid back kind of parenting. We didn't want to impose or force anything on him:
-that's one of the reasons I chose BLW, I wanted to give him the freedom to choose how much and what he would eat;
- since he became mobile, he pretty much wondered around the house how much he liked it and wherever he liked (there are no gates, nothing to make him feel closed or confined) and under our "clin d'oeil" supervision he just has the freedom to discover a whole new world;
- we never let him cry at night just to get him used to sleep through the night without our help, we just thought it was not natural and if he woke up that would mean he would need some sort of comfort from us or just the milk ( he will eventually sleep through the night, I'm pretty sure about it);
It is very interesting just to watch him develop and going through all these milestones but further more these notes will be a great help and information for his future siblings.
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